Virtual screening - Now Over


Norval's work was a means to express identity and the beauty of his culture and to heal. TransMigration dips into brutal realities of life in the streets, alcoholism in the aftermath of residential school. A survivor, Morrisseau’s themes and imagery are a gateway from the mundane to the sacred. TransMigration is not a biography but is a dialogue, a response to his vision.

Growing up my artist family looked to Indigenous artists for inspiration such as greats: Norval Morrisseau, Jackson Beardy, Daphne Odjig, R.C Gorman, Allan Houser, Benjamin Chee Chee and Arthur Shilling. Being an Indigenous artist is being an activist - fighting for Indigenous rights, sovereignty and story (past, present, future). These artists paved the way for a future generation of artists yet most had tragic life stories (residential school, injustices within the justice system) yet their legacies persist. On Indigenous Peoples Day, I honour the struggle and I honour the beauty.
— Santee Smith